Dennis YeJan 17, 20192 min readOptimize health and flourishing at work: by mixing standing, sitting (and siestas) Whether you work 40 or 80 hour weeks, have a startup or big company budget, every worker should have the flexibility to alternate between...
Dennis YeDec 13, 201819 min read第二課:創造壟斷 彼得泰爾Translated by Nini Chang Back to English Version 前言: 有後動優勢的壟斷比有先發優勢的壟斷來的更有價值。例如谷歌最終成為最後一個搜尋引擎,臉書成為最後一個社群網絡公司,PayPal...
Dennis YeDec 12, 201823 min readMonopoly by Peter Thiel繁體版本請點我 Introduction The monopoly with the last mover and not first mover advantage often turns out to be the really valuable one. For...
Dennis YeMar 5, 201813 min read第一課:從零到一 彼得泰爾Translated by Nini Chang Back to English Version 以下講稿是基於Peter Thiel於2016年在清華大學講授的“創辦新企業,中美新觀察” 課程整理而成。背景資料:Elon Musk, Pony Ma (馬化騰),...
Dennis YeJan 9, 201817 min readLecture 1: From 0 to 1 by Peter Thiel繁體版本請點我 Class Notes on Lecture 1: From 0 to 1 – Technology and Globalization; Monopoly and Competition. Background: Elon Musk, Pony Ma...